BBC class recording

I know that many of you visit my blog regularly and so are aware of the many resources which are posted there. Indeed, given the number of subjects to study for the agrégation, you probably have « too much » on the BBC already. However, I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss the following resource, because I cover an important topic *which we did not have time to deal with in class*. This was a class I gave for the University of Amiens, but you will find it useful.

Agrégation BBC 1922-1995 Podcast et Powerpoint

A look at TV theory/ Diversity inclusion and racism

This two hour class was mostly taken up with a look at theory of TV : half a dozen key concepts which help us understand what the BBc might have done for people and/or to people. The final part, however, look at racism, antiracism and the BBC : did the BBC, over the decades, defend colonialism and  promote racism, or work for tolerance and combat racism ?

The MP3 recording is here

And the slides are here

Agrégation Emploi du temps 2e semestre

 Vous trouverez ici l’emploi du temps du deuxième semestre.


Il y a encore deux ou trois cours à rajouter

Il est mieux de ne pas télécharger l’emploi du temps, mais le consulter en ligne, car la toute dernière version se trouvera toujours au lien ci-dessus.